$ echo -e "\r" > file.txt如果 \r 不行的話 可以改成 \n 。
如果有問題的話記得使用 –x 除錯。例如
$ sh –x shell_script
my 3 or 2 words; thinkness, speakless
$ echo -e "\r" > file.txt如果 \r 不行的話 可以改成 \n 。
$ sh –x shell_script
有點類似sed/awk,Perl 的強項在於比對字串,比如說想比對檔案內特定的字串你必須要做幾件事
Makefile 的參數
include Config.in all: gcc -o hello hello.c ${FLAGS}
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { #if (DEBUG) printf("DEBUG=1\n"); #else printf("DEBUG=0\n"); #endif return 0; }
以下簡單記一下 Perl 的簡單用法
創造一個Dialog。放置一個 pushButton。 並加入下面的程式碼。其中重要的部分如下。
Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::Dialog) { this->setGeometry(0, 0, 170, 334); this->setStyleSheet("background-image: url(background.jpg)"); this->setMask(QRegion(0, 0, 170, 334, QRegion::Rectangle)); //this->setAcceptDrops(true); //this->setAutoFillBackground(true); //setWindowOpacity(1); ui->setupUi(this); } void Dialog::on_pushButton_clicked() { close(); }
class Dialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT ... void on_pushButton_clicked(); };
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ui version="4.0"> <class>Dialog</class> <widget class="QDialog" name="Dialog"> <property name="geometry"> <rect> <x>0</x> <y>0</y> <width>397</width> <height>489</height> </rect> </property> <property name="windowTitle"> <string>Emulator</string> </property> <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton"> <property name="geometry"> <rect> <x>18</x> <y>305</y> <width>30</width> <height>10</height> </rect> </property> <property name="text"> <string/> </property> </widget> </widget> <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/> <resources/> <connections/> </ui>結果 123
#include <QPixmap> #include <QPalette> #include <QBrush> #include <QFile> #include <QBitmap> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); Dialog w; QString fn = "../tux.png"; if (!QFile::exists(fn)) exit(1); QPixmap pixmap("../tux.png"); QPalette palette; palette.setBrush(w.backgroundRole(), QBrush(pixmap)); w.setPalette(palette); w.setFixedSize( pixmap.size() ); w.setMask(pixmap.mask()); w.show(); return a.exec(); }呈現結果 (底下的小企鵝就是整個不規則視窗)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); Dialog w; w.show(); HttpGet getter; QUrl url("http://www.google.com/ig/api?hl=us&weather=taipei"); getter.downloadFile(QUrl(url)); QObject::connect(&getter, SIGNAL(finished()), &w, SLOT(show_weather())); return a.exec(); }
由於我們不需更改資料,所以以 SAX 先作實驗
透過 DOM 的方式 (通常可用 QTreeWidgetItem搭配遞迴方式載入,此處使用苦工方式一個一個讀出)
#ifndef DIALOG_H #define DIALOG_H #include <QDialog> #include <QUrl> #include "HttpGet.h" #include <iostream> #include <QtXml> #include <QFile> namespace Ui { class Dialog; } class Dialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: Dialog(QWidget *parent = 0); ~Dialog(); protected: void changeEvent(QEvent *e); private: Ui::Dialog *ui; private slots: void show_weather(); void show_forecast_information(const QDomNode node3); void show_current_conditions(const QDomNode node3); void show_forecast_conditions(const QDomNode node3); }; #endif // DIALOG_H
void Dialog::show_weather() { QDomDocument doc; QFile file("api"); QString errorStr; int errorLine; int errorCol; if(!doc.setContent(&file,true,&errorStr,&errorLine,&errorCol)){ qDebug() << "Unable to open the file"; return; } file.close(); QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); if (root.tagName() != "xml_api_reply") return; QDomNode node2 = root.firstChild(); if(node2.toElement().tagName() == "weather") { QDomNode node3 = node2.firstChild(); while (!node3.isNull()){ qDebug() << "-" << node3.toElement().tagName(); if(node3.toElement().tagName() == "forecast_information") show_forecast_information(node3); else if (node3.toElement().tagName() == "current_conditions") show_current_conditions(node3); else if (node3.toElement().tagName() == "forecast_conditions") show_forecast_conditions(node3); node3 = node3.nextSibling(); } } } void Dialog::show_forecast_information(const QDomNode node3) { QDomNode node4 = node3.firstChild(); while (!node4.isNull()){ if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "city") qDebug() << " +city:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "postal_code") qDebug() << " +postal_code:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "latitude_e6") qDebug() << " +latitude_e6:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "forecast_date") qDebug() << " +forecast_date:" << node4.toElement().attribute("humidity"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "current_date_time") qDebug() << " +current_date_time:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "unit_system") qDebug() << " +unit_system:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); node4 = node4.nextSibling(); } } void Dialog::show_current_conditions(const QDomNode node3) { QDomNode node4 = node3.firstChild(); while (!node4.isNull()){ if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "condition") qDebug() << " +condition:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "temp_f") qDebug() << " +temp_f:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "temp_c") qDebug() << " +temp_c:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "humidity") qDebug() << " +humidity:" << node4.toElement().attribute("humidity"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "icon") qDebug() << " +icon:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "wind_condition") qDebug() << " +wind_condition:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); node4 = node4.nextSibling(); } } void Dialog::show_forecast_conditions(const QDomNode node3) { QDomNode node4 = node3.firstChild(); while (!node4.isNull()){ if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "day_of_week") qDebug() << " +day_of_week:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "low") qDebug() << " +low:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "high") qDebug() << " +high:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "icon") qDebug() << " +icon:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); else if(node4.toElement().tagName() == "condition") qDebug() << " +condition:" << node4.toElement().attribute("data"); node4 = node4.nextSibling(); } }
- "forecast_information" +city: "taipei" +postal_code: "taipei" +latitude_e6: "" +forecast_date: "" +current_date_time: "2010-09-29 23:00:00 +0000" +unit_system: "US" - "current_conditions" +condition: "Clear" +temp_f: "82" +temp_c: "28" +humidity: "" +icon: "/ig/images/weather/sunny.gif" +wind_condition: "Wind: mph" - "forecast_conditions" +day_of_week: "Thu" +low: "75" +high: "87" +icon: "/ig/images/weather/rain.gif" +condition: "Rain" - "forecast_conditions" +day_of_week: "Fri" +low: "77" +high: "89" +icon: "/ig/images/weather/cloudy.gif" +condition: "Cloudy" - "forecast_conditions" +day_of_week: "Sat" +low: "77" +high: "91" +icon: "/ig/images/weather/cloudy.gif" +condition: "Cloudy" - "forecast_conditions" +day_of_week: "Sun" +low: "73" +high: "86" +icon: "/ig/images/weather/rain.gif" +condition: "Rain"
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